I don't know about you but wow, this summer seemed shorter than ever. I say this every year but as my kids get older, time really does just fly! On behalf of the School Council I want to welcome you all back to this blog. We took a break over the summer but are back and ready to keep all of our Bloordale Families up to date on what is going on at the school and perhaps even expand the site a bit so that we parents and guardians can feel a bit more connected as well. Look at it like this, while we all come from very diverse backgrounds and neighbourhoods, we all have one very important thing in common, our kids go to the same school! They spend 6 hours a day/ 5 days a week in the same place, they are getting to know each other, maybe we can too! I know what you are thinking, life is just too busy and who has time to add to your plate! Trust me I feel the same .... I sometimes think I really need to relearn the word no ...lol! This is why I hope to expan...