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Showing posts from September, 2019

Next Meeting ...

It was decided at the first meeting this year to hold Parent Council Executive elections at the next meeting which is scheduled for Tuesday October 8 at 630pm. We will confirm the executive and work on a plan for the upcoming year including; fundraising needs, committee formation, and future meeting dates. Everyone is welcome!

Dear Parents and Guardians;

Many of us don’t really know exactly what goes on at a school during the day.  We know our kids are in class and that teachers are teaching. We know our kids  are learning and socialising, they are every day becoming more aware of the world around us.  A teacher does not have an easy job. They need to plan ahead, be ready to teach in a  way that large numbers of students can understand (keep in mind there are many different  learning styles), and at the end of the day they have all the same concerns that the rest of us  do. These adults have the world on their shoulders right now and while many of us may work  in difficult atmospheres, kids are not relying on us all day in that work space.  At our first parent council meeting I hope that we can take some time to discuss what the  Ministry of Education has caused the TDSB to do in regards to cutbacks that affect our  school directly.  One major issue tha...

Revised Meeting Date and Time

September is always a busy month, especially when you have kids in different schools! After the date was set for the first council meeting I heard through the grapevine that there was a conflict that evening with a feeder school's Meet The Teacher night! We want to make sure that everyone who wants to come out to the meeting can and so we have moved the meeting to the next day. The first meeting is now on THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26 at 6:30pm. This meeting has a very full agenda including info on how the government cuts are affecting our kids and what the year may look like if unions begin to take job actions. As well, we hope to take a look at what council wishes to focus on this year and how we can shape our council to meet those needs. This will be a very informative evening and if you can only attend one meeting this year, this is the one to attend! Hope to see many new faces next week!

New School Year ..... Welcome to 2019/2020

I don't know about you but wow, this summer seemed shorter than ever. I say this every year but as my kids get older, time really does just fly!  On behalf of the School Council I want to welcome you all back to this blog. We took a break over the summer but are back and ready to keep all of our Bloordale Families up to date on what is going on at the school and perhaps even expand the site a bit so that we parents and guardians can feel a bit more connected as well.  Look at it like this, while we all come from very diverse backgrounds and neighbourhoods, we all have one very important thing in common, our kids go to the same school!  They spend 6 hours a day/ 5 days a week in the same place, they are getting to know each other, maybe we can too!  I know what you are thinking, life is just too busy and who has time to add to your plate! Trust me I feel the same .... I sometimes think I really need to relearn the word no! This is why I hope to expan...

Welcome Back !!!