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New School Year ..... Welcome to 2019/2020

I don't know about you but wow, this summer seemed shorter than ever. I say this every year but as my kids get older, time really does just fly! 

On behalf of the School Council I want to welcome you all back to this blog. We took a break over the summer but are back and ready to keep all of our Bloordale Families up to date on what is going on at the school and perhaps even expand the site a bit so that we parents and guardians can feel a bit more connected as well. 

Look at it like this, while we all come from very diverse backgrounds and neighbourhoods, we all have one very important thing in common, our kids go to the same school! They spend 6 hours a day/ 5 days a week in the same place, they are getting to know each other, maybe we can too! 

I know what you are thinking, life is just too busy and who has time to add to your plate! Trust me I feel the same .... I sometimes think I really need to relearn the word no! This is why I hope to expand our community by using the same online methods we all use each day! Email, online forums (yes .... I do mean Facebook!), and even Twitter can help keep us connected.

Over the coming year I hope we all can find a way to connect; perhaps at a family event in the school, a parents only evening, or even via an online book club (just a thought)!  All you need to do to start is to keep an eye on the updates on this site and keep an eye on your email for our newsletters.

Lets make this year great for everyone in our community! 

And if you have some thoughts you would like to share and have not done so already please copy and paste the survey below into an email and send it to us at

Enjoy what summer weather we have left and hope to see you tonight at Curriculum Night!

Bloordale School Council 2019/2020 
First Meeting Wednesday Sept. 25 at 6:30pm

To all parents and guardians, have your say on what you would like to see prioritized this year by your upcoming School Council (aka in previous years as the Parent Council). Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below. If you prefer you can email your answers to
Thank you for your time and we hope to see many new faces at our meetings this year.

1. What types of family school events (both you and your kids together) would you likely attend? (Please circle top 3)

A  Health and Wellbeing Evening (ex. Fit Night)
B  Family Movie and Games Night
C  STEM Night (Science, Tech, Engineering, and Math)
D  Art Event (ex. DIY event, Artist in Residence, Paint Night)
E  Social Media 101 / Cyber-safety
F  Multicultural Event
G Other (all suggestions appreciated): 

2. What type of information evening /seminars for parents would you likely attend?
(Please circle top 3)

A  Social Media / Cyber-safety
B  Stress Management (both for adults and teens)
C  Healthy Eating / Nutrition
D  Raising Young Teens (for those of us entering this new parenting stage!)
E  Other (all suggestions appreciated):

3. In point form, please let us know what would make you feel more comfortable attending a School Council meeting?

4. Please list up to 3 issues you would like to see the 2019/2020 School Council focus their efforts this school year.


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