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Showing posts from March, 2021

Council Survey 2020-2021

The world has changed so much in the past year that the council would like to grow and focus on what really matters to all of our Bloordale community. We want to take this time and get to know more about how you see the world and how you see that affecting your kids now and in years to come. This is a great time for us to get your input and to have honest conversations with all our school community. We may not be meeting as much but with your help on this survey, we will have more purpose moving forward. If you have not yet done so, please click  the following link which will take you to our family survey that we will use to focus our work over the next couple of years.

New Project - Book Club for Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers

Outside of the work being done behind the scenes we do need to remember that the year is not over yet and so we are looking to start an informal, informative, and fun way for families to connect. No matter where your kids are learning, in-school or virtually,  we are a community and many of us are craving interaction with our friends and neighbours. While we are not able to yet be together in person, we can use what we have and so I am putting together an online book club for any Parent, Guardian, or Caregiver who would like to spend an hour, once or twice a month, talking books! This is a parent-led initiative and will be led by parent volunteers and not school staff. For more information please fill in the form and a separate email will be sent to those who wish to take part. For planning purposes, please complete the form by Monday April 5th: