Bloordale Parent Council Fun Fair Update
May 27 2019
Pre-sales for All
Day Passes and Dinner Combos
This year we are selling our play all day wrist
bands online and in cash AND you save if you buy before June 3!
Dinner combos MUST be pre-ordered
to be guaranteed and online sales will close 11:59pm on June 2.
Cash orders for Dinner Combos will be accepted in
cash at the school until 1pm on Monday June 3rd.
Play All Day wrist bands - $25 before June 3 / $30
at the fair
Punch Card with 10 punches - $10
Punch Card with 25 punches - $20
Dinner (Combo’s include Corn and Drink / Menu on
Website) - $7
Check out the website for more info and to find out
how to order online or by EXACT cash at the school office.
Cake Walk
We are in need of yummy, delicious, fun cakes for the Fun Fair Cake
We are asking you and your family to make and decorate a cake (or if you
love to bake 2 or 3 ?). Store bought cakes and platters of cupcakes are always
welcome too.
Please make sure that all cake and cake decorations are nut-free.
Cakes can be brought to the school on the day of the Fair, Thursday
June 13 between 10am and 4:30pm.
Each cake brought to the school will earn your family 2 Prize
Tickets that can be used at the event.
The cakes should be brought to the school on disposable trays as
personal trays cannot be returned to you.
If you can contribute to our Cake Walk please sign up before Monday June
10. Thank you for taking part and your support is very much appreciated!
Help Your Child’s Class Fill the Basket
you play games at this year's Fun Fair you will have the chance to win one of
12 theme baskets that are being donated by our students and their families!
Each class will take part in putting together a basket based on a theme that
the students drew at the April Student of the Month assembly.
Your family can help this fun class activity by donating new items that work with your child’s class theme!
Class Basket Themes by Class
6A - Movie / Family Night
6B - Sports, Sports, and more Sports
6C - Crafty Corner
6D - Chef's Corner
7A and 7F - Gardening Fun
7B and 7F - Book Worm
7C - Griller's Delight
7D - Fun with Science
8A - Pamper Her
8B - Summer Fun
8C - Willy Wonka's Candy Factory
8D - Fun for Him
Crafty Corner
Station Donation
When we say we will have something
for everyone at this year’s Fair, we mean it! New this year is the Craft Corner
where we will have projects for artists and crafters of all ages and levels!
But we need your help, we are accepting donations
of colourful sharpies and paint pens in new or
almost new condition and scrapbook paper in any design. Also helpful
would be yarn, ribbon, and crayons.
If you can help please bring items
to the school office or email
to make arrangements if you are able to help out in larger quantities.
Silent Auction
Every Bloordale Fun Fair has a silent auction that runs at the
event. This year we are stepping it up a notch and the auction went live on May
1. It will run right up to the evening of the fair, online! So, you can get bidding
today with some early items that are up on the auction site to get a taste of
what’s to come. Once the auction closes at 7 pm on the night of the fair
winners will still be asked to pay at the school as online payments will not be
accepted for auction items.
Check back often as items will continue to be added as we receive
Email us to find out how you can help the auction by donating new
items, gift cards, or experience packages today!
Calling ALL those who would
like to Volunteer for the day of the fair …
or the school office for more information!
Meet our Fun Fair Community Sponsors
For a list of all our sponsors you can find them
on our website at