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Showing posts from May, 2021

Every Child Matters

Starting the conversation: I Am Not A Number - When I Was Eight - These links can be a way to start the conversation of Truth and Reconciliation but so much more must be done. This is just the start of that conversation here but as the days and months go on we will continue and never let the horrors be forgotten. We must work towards a true reconciliation.   " Reconciliation is about establishing and maintaining a mutually respectful relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in this country. In order for that to happen, there has to be awareness of the past, an acknowledgement of the harm that has been inflicted, atonement for the causes, and action to change behaviour."  Summary of the Final Report of the Tr...

School Council Staff Appreciation 2021

In past years the Bloordale School Council has put on lunches for all the staff to enjoy as a thank you for all the hard work they do each and everyday to support our kids.  This year is obviously very different and as we all know the work that is being done by the teachers, including the constant moving from in-person to remote learning, it is very difficult for all involved. Our teachers and the rest of our school's staff feel the stress of the changes and miss being in the school but they keep moving and giving our kids all they have no matter what! They are making sure our kids get through this pandemic and it is time we make sure that they know that we are behind them and appreciate all they are dealing with, especially this year in particular.    This task becomes more difficult as we really have had to look outside the norms and figure out a way we could show our thanks. While we cannot go into the school and put on a lunch like in the past, we can show our thanks ...

ANNOUNCEMENT - Bloordale Student Writing Contest


Update from the TDSB on school choices for next school year ...

J ust a quick update, an email was send to parents and guardians late yesterday to let them know that the TDSB is going to give families and students a bit longer to decide on remote learning vs in-school for next year due to the on-going vaccination roll out in the province. The letter stated that they will have more info to go out later this week. I will let you know when that happens. Have a great day everyone and however you can, enjoy the sunny sky and warm summer air! UPDATE May 20 - The TDSB will wait until Aug. and send out forms to all parents at that time.

May Council Meeting

  You Are Invited To Attend… Bloordale Virtual Council Meeting  May 12 at 6:30pm The meeting code is being sent to all families via email in the afternoon on May 12. If you do not receive this message from the school, please email and it will be forwarded to you around 5pm. It will be so easy to get to since you don’t even have to leave your home! Agenda: Survey Discussion and Goal Setting Grade 8 Grad Secondary School Traffic Even though we are not in the building right now, it will be a problem one day soon so lets get it fixed once and for all and work together to let the City know that  WE NEED SAFE CROSSINGS FOR OUR KIDS! We are not in the same place right now and many of our kids are having a rough time but we can all help each other and get through to the end of this VERY rough year and . If you have ANY questions about the end of the school year or remote/virtual learning, please feel free to us this meeting as a place to find answers. R...

BMS Book Club Choices Announced !!!

  Join us as we begin to read, chat, discuss, and learn as part of the first BMS Book Club for parents, guardians, and caregivers of Bloordale students.  We currently have 4 books for you to choose from and by joining our google classroom you can post your thoughts and ideas as you read and we can have a safe place for discussion and learning from one another.  The first books are: My Mother's Daughter by Perdita Felicien I Overcame My Autism (and all I got was this lousy anxiety disorder) by Sarah Kurchak The Inconvenient Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in North America We Two Alone by Jack Wang To join please use this new link to sign up and you will then be sent a link to join the room or email if you have any issues with the link.


Did you know that the TDSB celebrates heritage and awareness every month?  This May the school board recognizes the following: - Asian Heritage Month - Jewish Heritage Month - Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month - National Speech and Hearing Month